Carrier requirements.

MODE carrier requirements.

MODE partners with qualified carriers that can deliver trusted solutions to our customers. To be able to carrier for MODE, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Compliant Operating Authorities (interstate or intrastate)
  • Workers Compensation in conjunction with state/federal laws
  • DOT Safety rating of satisfactory or none
  • Proof of financial stability

Please note, we do not currently accept carriers with broker only authority to register with us.

Carrier coverage expectations.

MODE expects our carriers to invest in insurance and liability coverage to protect themselves and our valued customers. The below amounts are the minimum levels of coverage we require before you can carrier for MODE:

  • Automobile Liability & Insurance coverage: $1,000,000 USD
  • Cargo Liability & Insurance: $100,000
  • General Liability: $1,000,000

MODE regulatory requirements.

MODE expects our carriers to abide by the Food Safety Terms. These requirements follow the issuance by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Please see the Food Safety Terms below for more information.

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